Friday, October 9, 2009

One of those days...

I am having one of those days...
...the kind where there is a lot of this to be folded...

...and this to be rebuilt after the vaccuum has done its job...

...then riding this around the house...

...then catching a glimpse of this on the wall and bursting into tears at the mundaneness of what some days become...

... and listening to Lenka singing Anything I'm Not and blubbering a little more...
Have you ever had one of those days, or is it just me?


Mrs Button said...

Yes, oh yes! I love what I am doing but some days I the house part is such a drudge and then I remember report cards and staff meetings! Hope your weekend is less mundane. Lisa.

Unknown said...

Oh yes I know ! Some days are like that and tomorrow you might be doing exactly the same things again and feel fine about it .Take care .