Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I got nothing...(nothing creative to share I mean;))

After a nice family weekend, I am a little sluggish at getting back to the creative side of life... but wanted to let you know I am still here and haven't forgotten my blog friends. Your comments on my special anniversary post were just lovely, thankyou. We had a lovely day and weekend and I am sporting a beautiful new band of diamonds that are a-twinkling away... I am still having a little trouble looking away from them.

I am getting myself busy with some birthday preparations for the girls and the like. My mind is a little jumbled with it all, December birthdays really make the Christmas time come up too fast for me, I need to finish the birthday prep and fun stuff so I can have a clear head again and then hit Christmas prep head on.


I hope you have a lovely first day of December and enjoy a little splash of colour from my garden.

Smiles:) bye for now.



Mrs Button said...

I don't know about 'nothing'. Band of diamonds sounding remarkably like something, Mrs Holden! Lisa.

Kathy said...

Oh dear... it does sound like that doesn't it! I meant nothing on the "creative" front to show!

Brooke said...

Lucky gal - sounds like it was a GREAT weekend! Can't wait to check em out at Chrissy - which is only a few weeks away now!!!! xox

Anonymous said...

Diamonds! You kept that one quiet, you have my permission to ceremoniously flash them at me tomorrow :)